Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro

Simplify business personal property tax returns preparation

Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro includes asset classification, step-by-step workflows, and process automation to support midsize businesses.

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How it works

Prepare to file in multiple jurisdictions

File business personal property tax returns across several jurisdictions, complying with different rules, deadlines, and forms.

Implement paper-based process efficiency

Access customizable, bulk signature-ready form packages so tax preparers don’t have to manage separate spreadsheets.

Reduce staffing challenges

Improve your ability to file accurately and on time without having to hire staff with expertise specific to property tax.

Simplify personal property tax return preparation

Improve your ability to meet tax filing deadlines with accuracy and efficiency using Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro.

Use automation to help file personal property tax returns in a timely manner to avoid penalties.

Centralize personal property tax returns in one secure, accessible place.

Create signature-ready forms with embedded support via the help center.

Classify items with built-in mapping guidance

Get help determining whether assets should be included in tax returns.

Apply suggestions for asset classification, useful lives, trend factors, taxability, reportability, and form mapping.

Help tax preparers with less property tax expertise work more effectively.

Obtain guidance with depreciation schedules and taxability determinations to ensure correct assessments and avoid property tax overpayments.

Manage multiple forms more easily

Avoid using outdated forms (and subsequent penalties) without having to invest time and effort into finding current ones.

Find up-to-date forms housed within Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro.

Print and sign populated forms for added convenience.

Frequently asked questions

How many returns does my company need to file for me to consider Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro?

A midsize company filing 100–300 personal property tax returns would see great value in using Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro.

How much does Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro cost?

Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro uses a volume-based pricing model based on the number of returns prepared in the system.

Does Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro complete filing of my personal property tax returns?

No. Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro supports accuracy and centralizes returns preparation so returns can be filed on time more easily.

How does implementation work for Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro?

Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro features self-guided onboarding for anytime, anywhere system learning.

Additional resources


Avalara Property Tax

Simplify property tax returns, assessments, bills, and more in one secure hub.

Icon of orange sales tax graphic for Avalara tax types.

Blog post

An introduction to property taxes

Get a brief history of property taxes and how they’re used.



Learn how Avalara can help with property tax compliance.

Connect with Avalara

Learn how Avalara Property Tax Returns Pro can help your company.
