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Avalara for Accountants

Our partner program for accounting firms, sales tax practitioners, tax advisors, bookkeepers, and client advisory teams — regardless of your experience managing sales tax.

What you get when you partner with Avalara

The right kind of expertise

Partnering with Avalara gives you access to research and technology to help you support clients with a range of services.

Efficiency through automation 

Our automation helps you scale and drive new business — while streamlining processes and creating consistent workflows.

Features designed for accounting professionals

Multi-client dashboards and holistic solutions make it easier for you to navigate tax challenges on behalf of your clients.

How accounting partners work with Avalara

Refer opportunities

Earn incentives for your firm or discounts for your clients as you help them reduce the burden of sales tax compliance.

Expand services

Use Avalara products to offer a range of tax compliance services to your clients or become certified to implement Avalara solutions.

Why accounting partners work with Avalara


Expand client services while focusing on the profitability and success of your firm.


Use Avalara solutions to round out your level of sales tax expertise.

Ease of doing business

Diversify revenue streams with minimal investment and effort.

What Avalara partners say

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Video: Learn how Avalara enables compliance with peace of mind.

“The reconciliation between the accounting system and Avalara is a snap.”

Robin Hall 
Founder and Owner, VARC Solutions

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