Customer story

Offloading compliance eases the tax implications of fast growth


Increased compliance

Enabled growth

Tax expertise

Company overview

Based in Nashua, New Hampshire, Unified Office provides business-class communications services, including VoIP- and IoT-managed services to small- and medium-sized organizations. Launched in 2011, the company grew quickly. By 2016, Unified Office was providing communications-as-a-service to one of the largest Domino’s Pizza franchises in the country, with stores stretching from coast to coast.

Tax challenges

Telecommunications taxes are notoriously complex, sometimes featuring a tax on a tax, in which one tax or fee could be taxable by another. For example, Federal Universal Service Fund charges may be applied to a state’s Universal Service Fund charges, as well as some local regulatory fees and surcharges.

To make matters even more complicated, tax rules and rates are always changing. Usually regulated at the state level, e911 fees may also be imposed at the city and county levels. Complying with these moving targets can be complex and labor-intensive.

“Here we were, a company with less than a million dollars in sales, and we were already taking steps to comply and avoid those needless liabilities and risks.”

—Peter White

The stakes were high for Unified Office, who were also adapting to rapid growth and keeping a clear focus on the future. “We believe that one day our company will be a compelling acquisition target,” says CFO Peter White. “We have an astute board of directors, and they warned us early about making certain that tax liability isn’t sitting on our books when the day comes. They were very clear that the sooner we got started, the better off we were going to be in the long run.”

After receiving a short list of recommended solutions from an advisor, Peter reached out to Avalara. When he asked for customer referrals, he was able to speak with the head of taxation at a large telecom provider that was preparing the business for a public offering. In this case, the company Peter spoke to had not approached communications taxes proactively, and had a $25 million tax liability at the time of their IPO for taxes, penalties, and interest.

“Here we were, a company with less than a million dollars in sales, and we were already taking steps to comply and avoid those needless liabilities and risks,” says Peter. “We want a clean house.”

Why Avalara?

Avalara’s communications tax team monitors relevant statutes, regulatory rules, and rate changes so customers can have increased confidence.

Avalara’s comprehensive approach won Peter over. “They said, ‘We’re going to take care of this, soup to nuts. All you have to do is give us the data.’ That’s exactly what I wanted, and that is what they have delivered,” he states. “My team spends very little time thinking about communications taxes.”

Unified Office


Tax type
Sales and use
Communications tax


Tax challenges

  • Compliance risk
  • Tax complexity

Products used

Avalara AvaTax for Communications
Delivers tax calculations on a broad array of communications transactions by directly connecting to your current billing or ERP system, or to an in-house build via API.

Avalara Returns for Communications
Transaction tax returns preparation, filing, and remittance paired with a centralized online portal for easy tax compliance management with a high degree of transparency.


  • Proactive approach to mitigating the risk of communications and sales tax noncompliance
  • Peace of mind and improved efficiency through offloading tedious tasks
  • Reduced impacts of company growth on the tax compliance liability

Industry type

Calculate taxes and file returns for VoIP, IoT, telecom, streaming, and cable products and services.

“They said, ‘We’re going to take care of this, soup to nuts. All you have to do is give us the data.’ That’s exactly what I wanted, and that is what they have delivered.”

Peter White


Today, Unified Office has 1,300 customers in 37 states. Avalara’s team helped with all of the initial filings. “They were both patient and persistent, and they drove us to the finish line. They managed the entire project,” says Peter.

Removing tax compliance from Peter’s list of concerns — and the risk that goes with it — has added to his confidence in the company’s continued growth. “We grew enormously in five years, which rapidly increased our potential liability,” he says. “It is unfathomable that managing compliance internally would have worked for us.”

“The bottom line is that it takes the entire burden away from me, cost effectively, and eases my mind about tax liability,” Peter says.

The company’s board of directors is also pleased. “At every board meeting I report on our compliance,” says Peter. “They want to know that we’re taking care of business. Even though we’re a small company, corporate governance is very important here.”

Automate tax compliance with Avalara

See how our solutions can help you better serve your clients.

Learn how Avalara helped Unified Office spend less time and effort managing sales tax compliance.

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Learn how Avalara helped Unified Office spend less time and effort managing sales tax compliance.