Customer story

Drop grows and powers international ecommerce in style with Avalara

Italian technology company improves compliance and saves time with tax automation


Better compliance

Improved efficiency

Reduced costs

Time saved

Company overview

Drop builds and manages ecommerce platforms for some of the fashion industry’s biggest brands and a well-known motorcycle manufacturer. Located in Montegranaro, Italy, the company has been helping retailers sell for 20 years. Its customers’ products are shipped to buyers in Australia, Canada, U.S., U.K., and Singapore.  

Tax challenges

Drop began operating in the ecommerce space years before many of its competitors. For a long time, the company calculated sales and use tax, VAT, and GST manually. Not only was calculating tax manually a headache, it wasn’t always accurate. 

Around 2022, Drop was notified that it had exceeded a tax threshold in Canada and needed to register to collect tax in that province, says Drop project manager Stefano De Angelis. 

In that moment, the company began looking for a software partner to help it automate tax compliance.

Why Avalara?

Drop scoured the internet for tax compliance providers and asked partners for recommendations. After evaluating several companies, Drop found Avalara met its criteria and provided features others didn’t.

“We needed to find a tax compliance provider that can integrate with our internal software and major ecommerce platforms in the market. We don’t use only Magento, or Salesforce, or Shopify to sell. We use all of them. Avalara was the right choice,” says Daniel De Luna, project manager at Drop. 

Drop calculates tax on nearly 10,000 transactions a year using Avalara AvaTax and files 157 returns using Avalara Returns. One of the top benefits of using Avalara Returns is the company’s ability to make a single payment each filing period to remit tax in the 22 U.S. states where it sells and another for Canada.


Technology services

Tax type
Sales and use


Tax challenges

  • Company growth
  • Compliance risk
  • Process inefficiency
  • Manual costs
  • Tax complexity

Products used

“Reducing the time we spend on tax compliance from 10 days to four days a month may not seem big, but you have to consider that our company is different than it was in 2022. We’ve grown.”

Stefano De Angelis
Project Manager, Drop


Drop found that automating tax compliance not only improves accuracy, it also saves time. The company previously spent up to 10 days a month manually calculating tax and handling returns. Using Avalara allowed the company to whittle time spent on compliance down to three or four days a month – approximately a 65% efficiency gain.

“Reducing the time we spend on tax compliance from 10 days to four days a month may not seem big, but you have to consider that our company is different than it was in 2022. We’ve grown,” says Stefano.

Drop recently joined an information and communications technology group to extend the services it provides and help the company continue to expand rapidly. With Avalara, Drop grows effortlessly and can stay focused on business.

Join the 30,000+ customers using Avalara for tax compliance

See how easily our solutions work with your business applications.

Drop builds and manages ecommerce platforms for some of the fashion industry’s biggest brands and a well-known motorcycle manufacturer. Located in Montegranaro, Italy, the company has been helping retailers sell for 20 years. Its customers’ products are shipped to buyers in Australia, Canada, U.S., U.K., and Singapore.

Curious how we can help with your specific tax challenges? Just ask.

Drop builds and manages ecommerce platforms for some of the fashion industry’s biggest brands and a well-known motorcycle manufacturer. Located in Montegranaro, Italy, the company has been helping retailers sell for 20 years. Its customers’ products are shipped to buyers in Australia, Canada, U.S., U.K., and Singapore.