+44 (0)1273 022400
Non-EU businesses selling in Belgium will need to appoint a fiscal representative alongside completing VAT registration and returns. The fiscal representative is jointly and severally liable for any unpaid VAT, interest or penalties. Belgium fiscal representatives must be resident in the country.
Unlike most countries, Belgium has different guarantee requirements. Rather than businesses holding a bank guarantee with their fiscal representative, the Belgian tax office requires the bank guarantee to be made directly with the government.
For companies importing into Belgium for onward supplies into the rest of the EU, they may consider a ‘global fiscal representative, with reduced compliance requirements
Avalara offers a global Fiscal Representative service as part of its international VAT and GST registration and returns service. It helps thousands of businesses of all sizes accurately and easily manage their tax compliance obligations on a fully-automated service.
Fiscal representatives are responsible for the accurate VAT submissions of their non-EU clients. In most cases, they are held jointly and severally liable for their client’s VAT. In the case of negligent supervision or collusion on misreporting of VAT, the fiscal representative will be held liable for any missing VAT. As a result, there is often a requirement for a cash deposit or bank guarantee with the representative.
+44 (0)1273 022400